#784 – Athens, Greece Part 2 – August 9, 2019

Today I’m continuing on with our visit to Athens, Greece.  I did love the mix of old and new!

Shopping the streets of Athens, with a bit of history up the hill.

Greek fashion outside a store.  It just seems so warm for this time of year.

Loved the little Greek shops and doorways.

Time for a lunch break.

Greek gyros are delicious!  In the US, not so much.  I’m going to make it my mission this year to find a US gyros, that is even close.

They brought us dessert on the house.

We were serenaded by delightful Greek music while we had lunch.

More pictures of Athens from our “Hop On Hop Off” bus.

Just a quick image in time…lots of pigeons.

Back to the Acropolis, so that we can switch buses.  Our tour guides in the yellow shirts were so friendly and helpful.  Many of them spoke multiple languages.  Our guide spoke six.

Someone got a few too many tickets. 🙂

A cute Greek hot dog stand.

Leaving the Kanellos Pier, outside of Athens.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, and I will focus on more NEW swaps from the cruise.  This gorgeous card above was created by Lorri Heiling, one of our Arizona Stampahowlics.  She does amazing work!

Thank you for your patience this week.  I had surgery on my right shouler on Monday and it has taken a couple of days to get squared away using the computer.  All is good, just a little bit slower.

Mark your calendars..
Fri., 8/16/19 – StampaStack Class – My Home in Roscoe
10 am to noon
12 projects – 6 designs (2 of each)
$25 or $20 for club members or Stampahowlic teammates
Send me a quick email, message or leave a comment if you would like to join us at class.

Winner for today’s drawing:  Julie Baltz
Look for happy mail going out next week!

Friday Smiles…

Have a great weekend!!!

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