#786 – Katakolon Beach Day – August 11, 2019

The cruise week was going by too quickly.

Today (Fri., July 12 – Day 6) we stopped in Katakolon, a quiet seaside village with a small population of about 600.  It is also the site of the very first Olympics.  We booked an excursion to Kouroutas Beach, complete with little beach lounges and umbrellas.

What would a beach stop be without a refreshing beverage???

So many shades of blue between the water and the sky!

The sand was hot!

Look who I ran into on the beach? Laura Milligan

I love these pictures of Paul.

I love the shadows cast by this shade covering.  It looks like a canopy of twinkly leaves.

Great places for a quick break from the beach.  Never thought I would type those words in a sentence.  I mean really, who needs a break from the beach?

Time to go back to the ship.  The color of the water is surreal!

The view of people getting back on the ship.  They look like a line of ants.

I thought it might be nice to get some photos of the actual ship.  We were so busy spending time at ports, we needed a few extra days just to enjoy the activities on the boat.

Tonight’s menu on the cruise ship.

Our cruise tablemates, Shaunna & Brian, from Canada.  They were so nice and we enjoyed getting to know them.

Shauna created inserts for her purse to match her outfits each day.  She used DSP, gems and punches.

Sharing our appreciation to the chefs that make our delicious food happen every night.

Our wait staff!  They were delightful!

Paul and I assessed the amount of candy we had been stockpiling from the Hospitality Suite.  It didn’t seem so bad when you just got a little a day, but when you pulled it all out of the drawer to take a picture, it was a bit much.

Winner for today’s drawing:  Lori Marcantonio
Look for happy mail!!!

Sunday Smiles…


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