#928 – $700,000 Career Sales – Sun., 8/16/2020

I love this colorful and fun card that I received from Sara Douglass back in March when I reached by $700,000 career sales milestone.  It is nice to see a company that recognizes accomplishments along the way.

Now moving forward, working towards $800,000.  Sara is right; that is a lot of stamp, inks & paper!  Thank you for your orders and support every step of the way!!!

Winner for today’s drawing is:  Pat Ernst
Look for happy mail!

It is back to school day for me tomorrow at the community college.  It is all online for me, so I don’t have the Covid worries.  Hugs to all of the families and educators as they work through decisions this fall.  There are no easy answers.

Hope you had a good weekend!

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