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Janice Weightman, Page 94

#787 – At Sea Again – August 12, 2019

Leaving Greece (Sat., July 13 – Day 7 of cruise) and heading back to Rome.  We passed by Stromboli, an active volcano off the north coast of Italy.  Several hundred people live at the base of this volcano.  A hiker was killed earlier in the week, due to an eruption.

Our breakfast view at the back of the ship.

Met up with my friend, Jan Wakeland.  We had a toast for our friend, Patty Bennett.

I liked Jan’s earrings so much, that I had to get a picture.

Here are all of the SU gifts from the trip.  We truly did need another suitcase!

“Goodbye Greece Party” from SU. Why?  Because we never have enough food on the cruise ship. 🙂

Husk tomatoes, or tomatillos.

Now that is creativity!!!  Orion (our big cat), loves melon.  This tree would be his idea of heaven!

So after the “Goodbye Greece Party”, it was time to head into the dining room, for our final cruise dinner.

I will say this, meals have not been quite so “detailed” since we got home.

Are you full yet?

We took a walk around the cruise ship to try and burn off some of those calories, and noticed that the Hospitality Suite was all packed up ready to go.  They really have to hustle to get everything packed up.  The suite closed at 6 pm that night, so they got everything packed up in just a few hours.  Such fun and “sweet” memories!

Since we didn’t do any museums when we were in the different ports, we tried to make up for it by getting a quick picture on the ship.

We got a bit of history.  Its description is even poetic!

The last night of the cruise, you pack up everything but a carry-on and put it in the hallway for pick-up.  It saves time when you disembark in the morning.

Final pillow gift.

What a great memento of a wonderful trip!  Thank you SU, customers and my Stampahowlics team!  It truly does take a village!

Versatile new set coming in the upcoming Holiday catalog.

It was an amazing cruise!  I loved the variety of all of the ports of call.  I wouldn’t mind taking the same trip again.  Maybe, a little earlier in the year when it is not so warm. The food was delicious and the Greek people were very kind.

A shout out to my nephew, Evan, on his Eagle Scout Court of Honor yesterday!
It was a wonderful ceremony and reception!  Congrats on all of your hard work!
Evan is an amazing young man and he has quite the future ahead of him as he heads off to college later this month.  A couple of years ago, Evan is the one who trained me on using my blog.  He needs a separate scouting badge just for that!  So proud of you!!!

Coming up…

FB LIVE – Tues., 8/13/19
8 pm – Stampahowlic Stampers FB Group

StampaStack – Fri., 8/16/19
10 am to noon – My Home – Roscoe, IL
$25 or $20 for Club members or Stampahowlic teammates
Just message me or leave a comment below to RSVP

Bingo – Thurs., 8/29/19
7 to 9 pm – My Home – Roscoe, IL
I will have a link post under EVENTS later this week so you can register online.

Winner for today’s drawing:  Pat Ernst
Look for happy mail!

Monday Smiles…

#786 – Katakolon Beach Day – August 11, 2019

The cruise week was going by too quickly.

Today (Fri., July 12 – Day 6) we stopped in Katakolon, a quiet seaside village with a small population of about 600.  It is also the site of the very first Olympics.  We booked an excursion to Kouroutas Beach, complete with little beach lounges and umbrellas.

What would a beach stop be without a refreshing beverage???

So many shades of blue between the water and the sky!

The sand was hot!

Look who I ran into on the beach? Laura Milligan

I love these pictures of Paul.

I love the shadows cast by this shade covering.  It looks like a canopy of twinkly leaves.

Great places for a quick break from the beach.  Never thought I would type those words in a sentence.  I mean really, who needs a break from the beach?

Time to go back to the ship.  The color of the water is surreal!

The view of people getting back on the ship.  They look like a line of ants.

I thought it might be nice to get some photos of the actual ship.  We were so busy spending time at ports, we needed a few extra days just to enjoy the activities on the boat.

Tonight’s menu on the cruise ship.

Our cruise tablemates, Shaunna & Brian, from Canada.  They were so nice and we enjoyed getting to know them.

Shauna created inserts for her purse to match her outfits each day.  She used DSP, gems and punches.

Sharing our appreciation to the chefs that make our delicious food happen every night.

Our wait staff!  They were delightful!

Paul and I assessed the amount of candy we had been stockpiling from the Hospitality Suite.  It didn’t seem so bad when you just got a little a day, but when you pulled it all out of the drawer to take a picture, it was a bit much.

Winner for today’s drawing:  Lori Marcantonio
Look for happy mail!!!

Sunday Smiles…


#785 – Greek Isles Displays – August 10, 2019

I LOVE this group, “The Barricade Boys”.  They were part of the cruise entertainment!  Google them and give a listen!  After the concert, we bought their CD so we could listen to them back home.  It reminds us of our great trip everyday.  They are from England and part of them were in the movie version of Les Mis.  They harmonize beautifully!  I told the guy on the end that we had the same hair style.

Back to the SU Hospitality Suite.  I thought you would enjoy seeing some more card displays from the swaps.

Love the new in-color, Seaside Spray.


How clever is this card?  Great play on words!

Great twist on the peacock card, without using the peacock.

A fun twist on the pillow box.  So easy to miss in the catalog! (pg. 172)

Time to take a break from looking at cards to go eat dinner on the cruise ship.
I love shrimp cocktail!

Presentation is everything in both cards and food!

What a great day!

I think our crew left us a gorilla towel creature back in our cabin.

Time for our nightly pillow gift.

A bottle of Greek Olive Oil!  We did get it home in one piece.  Delicious!  Plus, two new punches.

Winner for today’s drawing:  Carol Busby
Look for happy mail!

Saturday Smiles…

#784 – Athens, Greece Part 2 – August 9, 2019

Today I’m continuing on with our visit to Athens, Greece.  I did love the mix of old and new!

Shopping the streets of Athens, with a bit of history up the hill.

Greek fashion outside a store.  It just seems so warm for this time of year.

Loved the little Greek shops and doorways.

Time for a lunch break.

Greek gyros are delicious!  In the US, not so much.  I’m going to make it my mission this year to find a US gyros, that is even close.

They brought us dessert on the house.

We were serenaded by delightful Greek music while we had lunch.

More pictures of Athens from our “Hop On Hop Off” bus.

Just a quick image in time…lots of pigeons.

Back to the Acropolis, so that we can switch buses.  Our tour guides in the yellow shirts were so friendly and helpful.  Many of them spoke multiple languages.  Our guide spoke six.

Someone got a few too many tickets. 🙂

A cute Greek hot dog stand.

Leaving the Kanellos Pier, outside of Athens.

Stay tuned for tomorrow, and I will focus on more NEW swaps from the cruise.  This gorgeous card above was created by Lorri Heiling, one of our Arizona Stampahowlics.  She does amazing work!

Thank you for your patience this week.  I had surgery on my right shouler on Monday and it has taken a couple of days to get squared away using the computer.  All is good, just a little bit slower.

Mark your calendars..
Fri., 8/16/19 – StampaStack Class – My Home in Roscoe
10 am to noon
12 projects – 6 designs (2 of each)
$25 or $20 for club members or Stampahowlic teammates
Send me a quick email, message or leave a comment if you would like to join us at class.

Winner for today’s drawing:  Julie Baltz
Look for happy mail going out next week!

Friday Smiles…

Have a great weekend!!!